Although people had already been living in Scotland for thousands of years, the recorded history of Scotland really begins with the arrival of the Roman Empire in the 1st century. At this time, the province of Britannia reached as far north as the Antonine Wall. North of this was Caledonia, inhabited by the Picti, whose uprisings forced Rome’s legions back to Hadrian’s Wall. As Rome finally withdrew from Britain, Gaelic raiders called the Scoti began colonising Western Scotland and Wales.
79 Roman Conquest of north Britain
84 Romans defeat Caledonians at the Battle of Mons Graupius.
122 Romans construct Hadrian's Wall.
126 Disappearance of the Ninth Legion.
143 Romans construct the Antonine Wall.
196 Maeatae overrun Hadrian's Wall.
350 Birth of Saint Ninian
360 Picts and Scots invade across Hadrians wall
407 Roman legions withdrawn from Britain
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