Musical Encounters


The 13th of April 19:30 – 20:45
Rosslyn Chapel (MAP LINK)

Days of the Decameron ~ Music and Tales from Medieval Italy

Gaita will be performing in the world famous Rosslyn Chapel, presenting ‘Days of the Decameron’ which tells the story of ten young nobles who escape plague-ridden Florence for a villa in the hills and spend ten days singing, dancing, and telling tales.

The performance is built from stories from The Decameron by Giovanni Baccaccio, intertwined with contempory music from 14th century Italy.

Cait Webb: Harp, shawm
Chris Elmes: Medieval lute, gittern, shawm, bagpipes
Helena MacGilp: Voice, oud, percussion
Theodora Hidalgo: Medieval viol
Ruth Pollitt: Narration, shawms, recorder

£12 (£10 concessions)

Tickets available from Rosslyn Chapel ticket office.

It is worth noting that seating is quite limited so early booking is advised.
Doors open at 7 pm. Drinks will be available after the performance.

Featuring performances from:

Gaita Medieval Music

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Please note: Reenactment Scotland take no liability for errors, subsequent changes or cancellations. You are advised to check on dates and times if you are making plans to attend.

