School Visits The groups, organisations and individuals below are available to visit schools – click on their image for contact information and a description. The Antonine Guard The Antonine Guard is a registered Scottish charity, founded in 1996 to promote awareness of Scotland's Roman heritage. At events The Company of Saint Margaret The Company of St Margaret are a late medieval and renaissance re-enactment group based in Scotland, with members in Fife, The Edinburgh LDV The Edinburgh LDV The Edinburgh LDV is a World War Two re-enactment society based in Scotland. They specialise in the The Knights of Monymusk A historical reenactment and living history group based in the Dundee/Angus area of Scotland. The Knights of Monymusk have been The Regal Storytellers Educating and entertaining children through the magic of storytelling and theatrical performance. Sarah Crome and Paul V Hunter created The Regal The Vikings The Vikings Founded in 1971 are the premier society presenting re-enactments of the Viking Age. While the Society portrays Dark The Written Note Jim Tribble is a highly-respected composer, performer and teacher of Classical Music. Viking School Vists History Workshops from the Stone Age to World War II If you’re struggling with Saxons or vexed by Vikings, They Wordsmithcrafts Wordsmithcrafts seeks to enable people to access their past and by doing this better understand their present situation and hope « Previous 1 2 3