A selection of suppliers of Reenactment accessories.
Belts, jewellery, miscellaneous items, camp furniture and tools etc.
Individual production of historical replicas. https://www.facebook.com/burkhardt.replikate/
Suppliers of Authentic Style Medieval Maille and other items, for Re-Enactors, Collectors, Museums and the Film and Theatre Industry info@capapie.co.uk
Tents, Gambesons, Camp Equipment, Accessories & Gaments. info@costumbresmedievales.com https://www.costumbresmedievales.com https://www.facebook.com/reenactmenttents/
Curious Works create textiles in Naalbinding and Tablet weave based on the early mediaeval period in Scandinavia and Britain. 01653
Danegeld produce copies of historic metalwork focusing mainly on the dark age and medieval period. mail@danegeld.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/danegeldjewellery/ https://www.danegeld.co.uk/
Reproduction of archaeological material, specializing in late Antiquity and the Merovingian period. dartkaci@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/DArtkaci-720727368019361/ http://dartkaci.com/
Freelancing woodcarver, mostly working with Viking crafts. https://www.facebook.com/greiftier/
Dawn Burgoyne is an experienced calligrapher, artist, author, crafter and medieval presenter, based near Edinburgh in Scotland. https://www.facebook.com/dawnburgoynepresents/
Custom service leatherwork and modifications. 07534 147982 dcraftwork@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/Zeitenhandel/
UK based company, specialising in WW2 German, British and American Militaria as well providing a line of modern, surplus and