A selection of suppliers/ makers of historical reenactment footwear.
Historic footwear from 1000 B.C. to 1558 A.D. Fully hand-sewn museum-grade shoes and machine-stitched shoes in standard sizes. 01443 771183
Historical shoes https://www.armorarena.co.uk
Historical costume 07979 991694 jackie@cloakedanddaggered.com http://www.cloakedanddaggered.com/
UK based company, specialising in WW2 German, British and American Militaria as well providing a line of modern, surplus and
Quality hand made shoes and leatherwork. foxbladeshoes@outlook.com http://www.foxblade.co.uk/ http://www.re-enactment-shoes.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/Foxblade-Trading-and-Re-enactment-Shoes-126874654101903/
Medieval Reenactment Equipment. info@medievaldesign.com https://www.facebook.com/medievaldesigncostumes/ http://www.medievaldesign.com/
The Merchant of Menace is a York based business that specialises in producing equipment for Viking, Saxon and Norman Re-enactors,
Katarina and Juraj are artists, shoemakers, leatherworkers and history enthusiasts. As members of living history society, they initiated a project
One of the UK's longest established manufacturers of items for historical re-enactment. Belts, Pouches, Bags, Hats, Knives, Scabbards, Archery, Footwear.
Pictavia Pictish History & Archaeology SpecialistLeatherworker, Tattoo Artist, Tanner, Coracle builder Historical replicas (specialising in early medieval Scotland and Norse),