A selection of Leatherworkers or Leatherwork suppliers.
Alison and Hugh's Handmade Things Based in the Marches between England & Wales, Alison & Hugh Milton, make historic replicas
Blacksmithing, medieval swords, custom swords, axes, spears. damian_sulowski@o2.pl https://www.facebook.com/sulowskiart/ http://historicalswordszone.com/
A swordsmith making historical and mythical inspired art. jefferyhelmes@yahoo.com https://www.facebook.com/Jeff-Helmes-Bladesmith-145872495425436/ https://www.jeffhelmes.com/
A bespoke service for handmade historical and re-enactment pieces using the techniques of the period. Making Viking and Slavic knives,
Karl Robinson has been working with leather for over twenty-five years and specializes in making historically accurate Medieval, Tudor and
Stuff for historical reenactment of early Middle Ages. https://www.facebook.com/katthundworkshop/
Královo řemeslo - Hand-made equipment and accessories for reenactment. kralovo.remeslo@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/kralovoremeslo/
Medieval crafts Weaving•sewing•woodworking•sword & shieldmaking•leatherworking and other crafts from early medieval times. +421 948 771 380 https://www.facebook.com/korgorusha/ https://www.etsy.com/shop/Korgorusha
Historical clothing, tents and equipment +48 605 182 120 info_matuls@matuls.pl https://www.instagram.com/matuls.pl/ https://www.facebook.com/matulspl/ https://matuls.pl/en/
Medieval Reenactment Equipment. info@medievaldesign.com https://www.facebook.com/medievaldesigncostumes/ http://www.medievaldesign.com/